frequently asked questions

Youth Apprenticeship is a program that was developed by the Wisconsin Department of Workforce development, to give students the skills to compete for high-paying, highly-skilled jobs. YA opens doors by giving students the opportunity to explore a career area of interest under the guidance of a local business mentor.

“Through Lincoln High School's Youth Apprenticeship program our children have been given the tools through on-the-job experience to make an informed choice about their future career options. With the guidance and support of the YA team they were given opportunities that made them confident and ready for the job. Thank you Manitowoc County Youth Apprenticeship and Lincoln High School for every opportunity that has been offered to Joe, Pete, and Clara Powalisz.”

-Mike and Amy Powalisz, YA parents

Who should apply for ya?

Who is Youth Apprenticeship for?

The Youth Apprenticeship program is for everyone! YA students have many different goals and future plans because Youth Apprenticeship is an options multiplier. Employers and colleges recognize the YA program as a way for students to stretch themselves beyond the classroom to gain skills, knowledge, and experience that will help them be successful in their chosen industry. YA can be a powerful enhancement to your education or a fast-track to a career, or both. YA students have secured competitive internships, early college admission, won highly competitive scholarships, received fully-paid Registered Apprenticeship opportunities, fully-paid college offers, and many full-time employment offers due to their YA experiences!

Is there a GPA requirement for YA?

No! There is no specific GPA requirement to apply for the Youth Apprenticeship program. However, students must be on track for graduation. Students with many different GPAs are successful in the YA program. What is critical to your success in the program is your reliability and willingness to learn.

Certifications/college credit

Do students earn certifications through YA?

Yes! Every YA student earns an Occupational Skills Certification. This certification verifies that they have gained the skills, knowledge, and experience necessary to be successful in their chosen industry. Students also gain workplace certifications such as CNA, OSHA 10, and First Aid.

How do students earn free college credits through YA?

YA students can choose to take college courses through Lakeshore Technical College. Textbook and course costs are paid for by the YA program. YA students often take college classes in welding, maintenance, machining, agriculture, healthcare, and business.

application/hiring process

How do students apply for YA?

Students must fill out the online YA application. Visit our Apply page to learn more!

How are students hired?

Students are hired based on their YA application and an interview. Most interviews take place during April, May, and June. However, students can apply for YA at any time during the school year and Mrs. Proszenyak will work to find a YA opportunity for them. All employment decisions are made by our YA employers.


How much are students paid?

Wages are determined by the YA employer, so student wages vary.

Are students employed through Lincoln High School or the partner business?

Students are employees of their YA employer. They are subject to the same safety rules, attendance policies, etc. as any other employee at that company.

My parent/relative/friend owns a company. Can I do a YA there?

Yes, you can! Please reach out to Mrs. Proszenyak to discuss how to arrange this.

class information

Do students earn high school credit for YA?

Yes! Youth Apprenticeship is a class at Lincoln worth 3 elective credits per year (1.5 credits each semester).

How are students graded?

A student's grade is based on worksite evaluations and other assignments (such as workplace reflections). All YA students have access to Mrs. Proszenyak's Google Classroom, which is how assignments are submitted.

Do students earn a graduation cord for YA?

Yes! Students who complete a Youth Apprenticeship program receive a graduation honor cord in the colors of purple and silver, to signify excellence in career and technical education. YA students wear their honor cords with pride on graduation day!

Student Learning

What guides student learning?

Student learning is guided by industry-specific skill checklists provided by the Wisconsin Department of Workforce Development. Each YA program has a unique Skills Standards Checklist, which are developed by business and industry leaders.


If a student is in sports/clubs/Rising Phoenix, can they do YA?

Yes! YA students are involved in many different activities including clubs, music, theater, and sports! Students can also do YA and the Rising Phoenix program! The flexibility of a college schedule works perfectly with YA, and every year we have students do both YA and Rising Phoenix.

When do students work?

Work schedules vary by student and are based on a student's school schedule and employer needs. Students communicate with their employers to set a schedule that works best for everyone!

Can students have release time from school in order to work?

Yes! YA students can have up to 4 periods of release time from school in order to work. Mrs. Proszenyak works with each YA student to determine the number of release periods that works best for them.

How will YA work with my classes and school schedule?

Mrs. Proszenyak meets individually with every YA student and their school counselor to create a school schedule that fits what each student needs for classes and work.


Please contact Bonnie Proszenyak, Youth Apprenticeship Coordinator or click here to schedule a meeting