lincoln high school Youth apprenticeship

application fOr 2024-2025 available now!


IMPORTANT NOTE:  If you receive the error "site cannot be reached" when submitting your application using a Chromebook, your device may need to run an update. Turn your Chromebook completely off and then back on again - this will prompt the update to run and you will then be able to submit. Contact Mrs. P if you have any issues!

Get PAID to learn!

Youth Apprenticeship is a 1 or 2-year program that gives juniors and seniors the chance to explore a career area of interest. Students spend part of their school day doing real-life, hands-on, PAID learning under the guidance of a local business mentor.

In this program, students gain the skills and experiences to compete for high-paying, highly-skilled jobs. As paid employees of a local business partner, students have the same type of work, projects, and responsibilities as other employees in their career field. 

YA students also have the opportunity to earn free college credits and workplace certifications!

"The value of the YA program for me is being able to work in my field of interest, getting experience, and then having a head start for whatever comes after I graduate. If you are unsure about YA, I would say try it! You get valuable work experience in whatever you are interested in and you get paid, all during school hours."

-Sawyer Krall, YA Student

"The best part of being a Youth Apprentice is having the opportunity to explore a career path I may be interested in for the future. I am also able to experience a field of work where I am able to work with people of different ages."

-Breanna Jansky, YA student


Please contact Bonnie Proszenyak, Youth Apprenticeship Coordinator or click here to schedule a meeting